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  • Writer's picturealexblair333

How To Banish The Bane of Lower Back Pain

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

It's the number one reason people miss work everyday, around the world.

The Number One.

Not illness, not "doctor's appointments", but back pain.

Today's post will be very specific.

If you suffer from this affliction, what I can tell you will be of the upmost relevance.

Even if you don't right now, chances are that you will someday.

80% of adults are affected by back pain at some point in their lives.

So listen up.

As a sportsman and student, lower back pain has been extremely difficult to overcome for me personally.

I still deal with the difficulties, both physical and mental, on a daily basis.

Luckily for you, I feel morally obliged to help others who also have to endure this torment.

Back pain affects many aspects of life.

Fitness, relationships, work; they're all negatively impacted by this common yet hugely harmful affliction.

It's the sort of thing you cannot fully understand until you have to go through it yourself.

And no, you can't "just run it off".


1) Go to a physio/chiropractor/osteopath/practitioner

Basically any expert.

They will know best.

This post contains numerous tips, stretches and exercises which have come from my own physio.

They've done the research - trust them rather than your mates.

2) Stretch, Stretch, STRETCH!

It cannot be done often enough.

Relax your muscles, slowly complete the stretches, and take long deep breaths, in.......

.......and out.......

Create a regular stretching routine for in the morning and at night, as well as before and after exercise.

Include not only back stretches but glute/hamstring stretches as well (they're all related).

I recommend the following five stretches (all of which I use virtually every day):

Child's Pose

Downward Dog

Side/Lumbar Rotation

Knee To Chest

Seated Figure Four

Of course, there are others.

A physio can give you more.

You could also try pelvic tilts and bridges (search up videos for correct form).

By the way, DO NOT do the Cobra Stretch (below) if suffering from lower back pain.

This is primarily for your abs and may exacerbate back problems.

Cobra Stretch

3) Drink water

And lots of it.

It's so good for you.


Let me explain.

Aside from being beneficial to you in virtually everything you can think of, water is needed to rehydrate your intervertebral disks to create the right conditions to heal.

I sense you don't want me to go on about the scientific stuff to do with your spine, nerves, and vertebrae.

I'll keep it simple.

Between 60-70% of our bodies are water.

Between 60-70% of what goes in to our bodies should be water.

If in doubt, drink more.


4) Use a tennis ball

DO NOT use a roller (foam or otherwise) on your lower back.

Instead, slide a tennis ball under there.

You can use a roller on your upper back, glutes, quads, hamstrings, face, ankle, little toe....

....anywhere but your lower back.

5) Change the way you sit

Prop some pillows/cushions under you.

This will elevate your hips and ensure your knees are below them.

If you're at a desk, look down RIGHT NOW.

Are your knees higher than or in line with your hips?

If so, grab a cushion or two.

Also focus on keeping a tall spine.

Puff your chest out, shoulders back and avoid slouching.

Proper Posture = Pain Prevention.

We all spend way too long sitting at desks.

I'm at mine right now.

It's modern culture.

Unfortunately, it's not good for our spines.

Try to get up, stretch and move about regularly throughout the day to avoid the infamous 'Office Chair'.

6) Change the way you sleep

Have you ever woken up after a good night's sleep only to feel achey, sore and unrested?

It's vile.

The best way to prevent it is to sleep on your back.

If - like me - you prefer sleeping on your side, this is hard to adjust to at first.

But it's worth it.

You should also prop some cushions/pillows under your knees when you sleep.

This will allow your lower back to remain securely planted on your mattress.

That's another thing: your mattress might not be adequately supporting you.

If it is sagging, lumpy or just plain uncomfortable, consider buying a new one.

Firm and memory foam ideally.

7) Strengthen it

If you neglect working out your lower back, your problems are unlikely to go away.

However, overworking it will also be detrimental.

Try the following two light exercises:

  • Superman

  • Prone Cobra

Watch the Prone Cobra here.

Make sure you don't strain your back.

Do reps slowly and correctly for the best results.

8) Walk

You'll have heard this before I'm sure, but walking does wonders for our posture (as well as our mental health, creativity and general mood).

Implement regular (outdoor) walking:

Ditch the car/bus/train and walk to work or school.

If it's too far, drive halfway or get off the bus/train early and walk the rest of the way.

Get a walking app to measure your steps and set a minimum target of 10,000 a day.

The Western average adult only walks around 3,000.

If that's you, try to increase this by 1,000 a week until the walking becomes a habit.

This is HUGELY beneficial for our physical health, mental health and alleviating back pain.


So there you have it.

Eight splendid steps to solve your soreness.

You're welcome.

Lastly, please remember that radical changes and improvements will not be immediate.

Your back pain didn't happen overnight, so it won't miraculously heal overnight.

Personally, I really, really do understand the frustrations.

But back pain can be beaten.

Use this post, do your research and make the necessary lifestyle changes.

You won't regret it.

Remember: 80% of adults will go through this.

You aren't the only one, and You'll Never Walk Alone.

Until the next time...

Alex (N.Y.A.)


Something Extra

Time for a tip.

If back problems plague you, look up Shawn Stevenson, nutritionist and back pain guru.

Not only is his story inspirational, but he offers expert advice on overcoming injuries, speaking from his own personal experience and wealth of knowledge.

Check out his website here for useful blogs and articles, and listen to his podcast 'The Model Health Show' on Spotify, YouTube etc

In my last post, I mentioned Andy Frisella's podcast, 'The MFCEO Project', on which Shawn Stevenson appears, so go take a listen here.

Podcasts are great sources of FREE information, tips and advice.

They are HIGHLY productive tools to better ourselves in pursuit of our goals.

We can listen to them while in the car, working out or (even better) when walking.

Whatever your style is, check out different types of podcast and see how they benefit you.

I cannot recommend them enough.


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