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  • Writer's picturealexblair333

The Problem With Politics

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

As I sit here writing this now, it's 7:12pm, 15 December 2019.

Three days have passed since the British General Election.

I very rarely speak about politics, and in this post, I'll reveal why.

First and foremost, I must clarify something.

Politics does affect you, and - if you have the privilege - you should ALWAYS vote in elections, referendums, or whatever it may be.

There are people around the world who would die to be enfranchised.

Many people have done in the past.

So never take that privilege for granted.

But Never Allow Politics To Determine Your Happiness.

Let me explain.

For many people, the result of the British General Election last Thursday was a triumph.

But for many others, it was a disaster.

This is the nature of elections; not everyone can come away happy.

But at the end of the day, when you really think about it, the results are almost entirely out of your control.

So why on earth would you let if negatively affect you?

You, and you alone control the outcome of your life, so instead of clinging onto every last offensive word of Donald Trump, I say work on improving your own situation instead.

All that your outraged reaction does is fuel his tactics, and distract you from your own dreams, hopes and goals.

He's controversial for one reason: it makes headlines.

The media play right into his hands; do you want to be a part of his puppetry?

But whether it be Trump, Nigel Farage, or any other politician worldwide, the overriding lesson is the same...

...their actions aren't as important as your own.

Don't hide behind politics as an excuse for not creating your own dream life.

Yes, the policies of different political parties will have some impact on you.

Can you control that? No.

But can you control how you react to it? Absolutely.

Right now, some of you are probably thinking "what does he know, he's just another ignorant student...", but I promise you that this is a conscious decision.

I used to spend more time watching the news, reading newspapers and scrolling through my phone to see what the latest political scandal was.

Rest assured, I not only voted in the election last Thursday, but encouraged my fellow students to follow suit.

But I knew that, regardless of the outcome, I wan't going to let it affect what I do with my own life.

I didn't allow my mood to suffer, EVEN FOR AN INSTANT.

Boris Johnson, Conservative British PM, alongside Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Party leader

The problems with politics represent wider problems in society.

There's a general divisiveness, and I fear it's spreading, both in England and America.

People are predisposing themselves against one another without hearing the other side out.

They think that if they have liberal political views, but someone else has conservative views, that automatically makes them an enemy.

Whether it be Labour vs Tory, or Democrat vs Republican, it's a mounting issue that must be addressed.

And it's not just relevant in politics.

Societal divides are deepening in every aspect, whether it be major debates regarding feminism, veganism and religion, or the most trivial squabbles over something someone once tweeted.

That's another issue.

So many people get offended by anything.


It's not only ridiculous; it's reaching a stage in which people are genuinely scared to speak their mind through fear of being verbally or digitally attacked.

No-one can take a joke.

Everything's offensive.

Is this really the type of world we want to live in?

I implore that you stop letting the actions of others dictate your own.

Divisiveness in society can be solved SO easily, so let's start doing it, a little at a time.

So next time you see that tweet, or that video, do some research before you share how shocking and outrageous you find it to your little social media bubble.

Is it really as controversial as it appears?

Has the statement been quoted misleadingly?

Has the video been edited to make something seem worse than it was?

What's the context?

What's the source?

What might be the motive?

Then decide.

Don't be a sheep; make your own decisions about life (political or elsewhere), and don't just copy those of your parents, friends or colleagues.

Above all, work on improving yourself, achieving your own goals and Aspiring for more.

Remember that You'll Never Walk Alone.

Until the next time...

Alex (N.Y.A)


Something Extra

Time for a prediction, of sorts.

As you know, social media is playing an increasingly important role in politics.

From Obama in 2008, to Trump in 2017, both Presidents heavily utilised the power of social networks (particularly Facebook and Twitter) in their election campaigns.

So, my guess is that - by the time of the US & UK General Elections in 2024 - voting itself will actually be possible on a social media platform.

Citizens will literally be able to decide who they want to lead their country with a few taps on a phone.

Real-life polling stations will still be used, but alongside social media voting, whether it be on an existing platform, or one not yet create.

I believe it will happen.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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